On Thursday, April 27, 2023 around 10 am, a woman walks up to our apartment and hits the door hard even threaten to call the Los Angeles Police Department. This happened at 1030 N Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029 _________________________________________ Email send today to property management Who’s this crazy maniac woman hitting my door hard and saying will call the police! I did not do anything! Someone since yesterday has been hitting the floor or something hard that even my cat felt it. The cat keep looking at the bathroom so perhaps the noice was coming from the single mobile homes and now an RV is at the property. Today again very early morning there been a loud sound and movement. https://ring.com/share/a16ccc1c-9fe9-4cba-9e4f-7482e4f14490 EDITOR’S NOTE: We checked property management website for 1030 N Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029 because before the noise was coming from apartment 7. The unit was empty for 2 m...