Neighbor Loud at 1030 N Oxford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029. Omg when my crazy neighbors are going stop the bullshit noise! Listen to my door video at 1030 N Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029 #1030noxfordave #lapd
Listen to ring dot com outside video recording of very loud noise outside apartment 9 at 1030 N Oxford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029. This needs to stop because it is making even the sound maker mentally ill as well rest of neighbors at 1030 N Oxford Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029 Bad apartment complex to live and managed by dishonest lazy property management.
Loud Conversation at 3 AM at 1030 N Oxford Ave. Please see the decibel sound meter numbers of how loud are our neighbor. Are they doing private sexual thing or they are invading a tenant privacy by looking over the windows? By the way is illegal to see and record other people privacy without their consent. #1030NOxfordAVE #1030NOxfordAvenue
Please watch ring dot com video to listen and heard Loud Barking Sound and Screaming in the AM at 1030 N Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. Those sounds are coming from outside downstairs apartment. #1030NOxfordAVE #1030NOxfordAvenue