1030 N Oxford Avenue Bad Neighborhood. At the beginning when you go to view the place it appears to be normal. However crazy things started happening the second week that we moved to 1030 N Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. To start the street Oxford Avenue is too narrow and has lots of traffic. Second, the setting on how this apartment was built facing 1029 N Oxford Avenue where they have a kitchen and 1030 N Oxford Avenue where lots of trash everywhere. We publishing this shaking sweating and drunk man as the image of 1030 N Oxford Avenue because he served harassment restraining order documents. The harassment started within 2 weeks living at 1030 N Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. We moved on 7-6-2022 to 1030 N Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. Where the harassment started and continues on as of March 12. 2023. #1030NOxfordAVE #1030NOxfordAvenue